When asked about what she feel is the result of our current project engagement thru the Metro Manila Communities for Development, Rev. Juliet A. Solis of United Church of Christ in the Philippines – Kaunlaran Village, has this to say.
“The project though new, has contributed in the change in structure of our local church with church members joining and initiating projects in response to community needs. Our learning sessions on Church and Community Mobilization – Laying the Foundation series” firmed up the commitment of local church leaders to work and continue to be one with our community.”
Kaunlaran Village in Caloocan City is located in Barangay 8 and is among the big and marginalized communities in Caloocan City with a population of more than 25,000.
The Laying the Foundation Training series which is held virtually aims to level-off understanding among the local church partners on the various issues present in their communities including addressing violence against women and children. Ditto, it seeks to train facilitators on the CCM process, starting with the contextualized Laying the Foundation modules and other exercises and guides for application.
Although very early to count as result, the reflection and Bible study sessions helped change the perspectives of church leaders and workers in working with their respective communities.
“The training not only imparted knowledge but a change of heart and improvement in skills. I can witness their change of perspectives into a more developmental one.”
“As a worker in the UCCP Community Ministries in the national office, I am applying my learning to the local church and facilitating participation of local church lay leaders and members. If we allow them to participate, they feel valued and increased their confidence in their capacities individually and collectively. This is translated to a strong commitment to serve the people in the community and create a sense of ownership of the church’s programs. “
In a separate workshop with Lingap staff members, Pastor Juliet voiced out the importance of consulting the community members as the project maps out annual activities. She is convinced that to be more effective and successful, it must address what the community members feel they need and they can address by maximizing their own potentials and resources.
“Involving the people from the start through participatory research and situation analysis up to implementation, evaluation and in all aspect of project engagement is very important. This is why we need to put it in our plans.”
With the guidance of Pastor Juliet, local church leaders like Edith Chicay, Lea Belo, Mhayann Batino and Jane Ormillada and other ministry heads spearheaded the community pantry and children’s ministry as a response to the call for support of marginalized families – especially on food items – at this time of pandemic. This is Faith In Action. This is how Church and Community Mobilization works.