Lingap Pangkabataan, Incorporated is one with World Health Organization [WHO]-Philippines’ call to amplify, engage and mobilize support to improve COVID-19 vaccine
uptake among the elderly Filipinos.
According to WHO-Philippines, While the Philippines is rolling out COVID-19 vaccines to a wider population, coverage among the elderly remains low ̶still at 25% as of 22 June 2021. Vaccination, along with other preventive measures such as wearing of masks, hand hygiene and physical distancing, protect us from severe disease, hospitalization and death due to COVID-19.
The elderly population is at highest risk for severe COVID-19 and latest data shows that 7 out of 10 COVID-19 deaths in the country are from this group.
When we prioritize the vaccination and protection of our high-risk groups including the elderly, we also keep our healthcare system responsive to COVID-19 and other health threats. If our elderly population remains unprotected, our health system could be overwhelmed again with the surge, necessitating lockdowns and the resulting economic downturn.
Our aim is that 90% of the elderly population across all regions in the Philippines receive at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine by July 2021. This is also the goal set by the National Vaccine Operations Center. Lingap and WHO-Philippines enjoins you to support and share resources towards this cause. Here are some ways you may consider: engage
❶ Amplify by helping spread messages through your organization’s channels;
❷ Amplify + Engage by helping spread local messages in areas where your organization has on-the-ground support. Also by engaging vaccination focal points from the LGU for specific operational steps on vaccination of the elderly.
❸ Amplify + Engage + Mobilize thru providing/sharing resources for ease in accessing vaccination sites or social mobilization;
Visit this link for additional information and other WHO-Philippines materials : WHO-Philippines Guidance to Improve COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake Among the Elderly