By: Russel Albano, Lingap Staff member
As I sit here, reflecting on the recently conducted organizational assessment and development workshop, a sense of gratitude and optimism fills my heart. The two-day workshop, held on May 22-23, 2023, at the serene Ciudad Christhia Resort, was an invaluable experience for Lingap staff and selected Board of Trustees members. Facilitated by the knowledgeable Ms. Joyce Gonzaga, an organizational development expert commissioned by Mission Alliance, the workshop aimed to assist Lingap in navigating its future.
The workshop centered around the DIGNI organizational assessment framework, supplemented by Ms. Gonzaga’s custom assessment framework for Lingap, which integrated various models such as Mckenzie’s 7S. The process was evocative and participative, encouraging us to deep dive into the different facets of Lingap as a development organization. We explored ten key dimensions outlined in the DIGNI Tool, including Governance, Human Resources, Programs, Finance, Communications and Partnerships, Sustainability, Compliance, and Logistics.
Also, striking was Ms. Joyce’s reminder of the importance of a strategic plan document and conducting an evaluation of its strategic plan. Her emphasis shed light on the significance of having a clear roadmap that guides our actions and ensures our efforts are aligned with Lingap’s vision. As an organization, we must document our strategic plan, outlining our goals, objectives, and the strategies we will employ to achieve them. This strategic plan – different from the operational plan – will serve as our compass, guiding us through the complexities of our work.
Equally important is the evaluation of our strategic plan. Through regular assessments, we can gauge the effectiveness of our strategies and measure our progress toward achieving our goals. This evaluation process will provide us with valuable insights and enable us to adapt and refine our approaches as needed. By continuously reviewing and evaluating our strategic plan, we can ensure that we remain responsive and adaptable to the evolving needs of the communities we serve.
One overarching theme that emerged from the discussions was the importance of communication. We realized that effective communication serves as the cornerstone for rallying stakeholders toward Lingap’s organizational development journey. This realization resonated deeply with all participants, inspiring us to bridge communication gaps and foster a culture of open dialogue and transparency within our organization.
The workshop proved to be an eye-opener for me. It reinforced the understanding that an effective organization is driven by its organizational motivation, including its Vision, Mission, Goals (VMG), and core values. Furthermore, it highlighted the significance of organizational capacity, encompassing staff development, robust systems, and organizational performance by looking into its impactful programs. Ms. Gonzaga brilliantly illustrated these dimensions using a pyramid, emphasizing the need for Lingap to sharpen its edges, much like the edge of a sword. This sharpening process would enable us to address the marginalization, “slavery,” and exploitative situations faced by our community partners as Lingap engage them.
As we delved into the assessment exercise, it became increasingly evident that Lingap must embrace continuous improvement and innovation. We must strive to enhance our organizational performance, focusing on our impact, results, and efficiency. Ms. Gonzaga’s pyramid visualization served as a poignant reminder that these elements are interconnected and vital for our success. By embracing these principles, Lingap can become a stronger force for positive change, transcending the barriers that hinder the communities we serve.
Additionally, during the workshop, the importance of succession planning and the infusion of new talent emerged as critical factors for Lingap’s sustainability. To sustain the Lingap ministry and ensure its continued impact, we must prioritize the training and recruitment of young blood. Developing a comprehensive succession plan that identifies potential leaders, provides mentorship opportunities, and encourages professional growth will be key to nurturing a new generation of passionate individuals who will carry the torch forward.
The workshop was a pivotal second-level exercise, building upon the foundation laid by Lingap in 2021 thru its own organizational assessment initiative. This two-day workshop provided us with an external perspective, offering valuable insights into Lingap’s current state and guiding us on how to navigate challenges and sustain our progress. The experience has reaffirmed our commitment to the organization’s mission and filled us with a renewed sense of purpose.
As I conclude this reflection, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude and purpose. The organizational assessment workshop has illuminated our path and empowered us to make meaningful changes within Lingap. With a well-crafted strategic plan document, grounded in the aspirations of our stakeholders, and a focus on succession planning and talent development, we are poised to create a brighter future.
Change starts from within, and Lingap is ready to ignite positive transformation. Together, let us forge ahead, armed with clarity, resilience, and a commitment to empower those in need. Lingap’s journey has only just begun, and I am honored to be a part of it.