As we wrap up the year 2021, we are all the more thankful for the faithfulness of our Lord Jesus who continued to journey with us, protected us from this pandemic, and led us in our Church and Community Mobilization journey.
The Lord started new engagements among new partner churches who were vocal in their appreciation of the CCM approach to reinvigorate their church’s ministries with the community. New church workers were trained to add new members to our flourishing community of CCM practitioners and influencers. Partners and friends from Eastern Samar sustained CCM and celebrated their work and shared implementation milestones thru a Local Learning Conference.
The CCM National Training and Learning Team were generous to facilitate learning sessions with them. They shared their time from their busy schedules and talents to meet, discuss and offer the CCM work to our Lord.
We are thankful to all these and we invite you to a day of celebration through our 2021 Learning Conference: Empowering Church and Communities for Meaningful Change. Let us reflect on our journey, thank the Lord for our victories and challenges and grow our CCM Community of Practice. This will be held online via Zoom, this December 6, 2021, from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, please reserve your slot by pre-registering before December 3 thru this link
We are inviting up to five representatives from your church/organization to participate in this online conference. Plenary and small group discussions are designed for us to 1) tell our stories of community transformation, 2) share about our church and community mobilization experiences, and 3) strengthen the engagement of our local churches and organizations on this initiative. All these are geared towards nurturing a community of practice (CoP) and growing the CCM Movement in the Philippines.
For questions and clarifications, you may reach out to us thru our email