Lingap Pangkabataan on May 2, 2023, convened a hybrid Project Partners Meeting that brought together its project partners from across the country . The meeting aimed to discuss the engagement of these partners in Lingap’s community development journey vis-à-vis its new 5-year strategic plan (2022-2027). The convening of this meeting is a testament to Lingap’s commitment to its partners and its mission to create sustainable change in the lives of the marginalized.
During the meeting, Lingap’s partners discussed their intention to continue engaging with the organization and were briefed on the four programs that will be sustained under the new strategic plan. These programs include the Child-focused Church and Community Mobilization, Child-focused Community Development Program, Enhancing Children’s Capacities for Advocacy and Participation, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management-Climate Change Adaptation. The implementation of these programs involves cross-cutting strategies such as forming and organizing community groups, as well as capability-building activities. These approaches to community empowerment and social protection are designed to address the specific needs of marginalized groups, including women, children, PWDs, the elderly, sustenance farmers, fisherfolks, and indigenous communities.
Lingap’s community organizing and formation projects promote active participation, leadership, and governance in local communities. The organization offers capacity-building activities such as training and skills development to build the capacity of community members to become self-sufficient and resilient in the face of various challenges. The meeting provided an opportunity for all partners to come together, discuss their intentions to continue engagement with Lingap, and align their efforts to ensure the success of the organization’s new strategic plan.
The Project Partners Meeting also provided Lingap’s partners with a deeper understanding of the organization’s structure and their role in Lingap’s ministry. Emphasis was placed on the need for the project partners to elect their 10 representatives to the Lingap General Assembly, the 21st of which is happening on May 18th. From the 10 project partner representatives, 3 will be elected by the GA members to be part of the Lingap Board of Trustees. Incumbent BOT members from among the project partners are Ms. Adah Noreen Yuzon, Rev. Carlito F. Felonia, and Mr. Mario Ian Mosquisa, CPA.
Representatives agreed that each project partner present in the meeting would have one representative at the upcoming 21st AGA on May 18th. Those who were not able to attend the meeting, such as KAPASKI, UCCP-Lawaan, and UCCP-Metropolis Conference, will hold a separate meeting to elect their representative to complete the 10 representatives needed.
Lingap’s Project Partners Meeting is a vital step towards achieving its mission of creating sustainable change in the lives of marginalized communities. With the support of its project partners, Lingap can continue to empower communities, promote social protection, and create lasting change in the lives of those who need it most. The meeting affirmed the commitment of all partners to work together towards the realization of a shared vision where children in nurturing communities enjoy life in God’s abundance.